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Great to be here!

How awesome is GearSupply.com.au!? Suddenly all of my favourite brands like Leatherman, Led Lenser, Garmin, Suunto and more - all in the one place!

I've been using several of these brands all over the world for years, from right up in the arctic, down through the tropical islands and jungles, even right down to Antarctica - so I'm stoked to be invited to contribute my thoughts here on this blog.

With my day-job being leading photo safaris around the world for 10 months of the year (see www.ChrisBray.net), and doing things like hiking, hauling sleds (www.1000HourDay.com) and sailing in the arctic (www.YachtTeleport.com) in my spare time, I've learnt a few things about outdoor kit, what to look for, how best to use them etc - and am more than happy to share any insights.

Feel free to ask any questions you like via the comments!

More soon, have fun!

Chris Bray

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