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SPORK ORIGINS - An untold story of the spork

We were sitting by the campfire when a grey bearded ‘Gandalf’ looking man walked out of the darkness holding a can of baked beans. He asked for a utensil to eat his dinner, all we had were sporks - so we offered him an ATKA Spork.

He sat down, put his can of beans in the hot coals and let out a wild cackle as he inspected the spork in the firelight.

“A SPORK!? The story of the spork has been told around campfires, through mouthfuls of sausage stew for years. Have you heard the tales?” he said.

We were already entranced by his wizardous ways, so we let him continue. Why not!

“It was a combination of scientific genius, and practical minds that created the spork. It was a stroke of brilliance manufactured by ancient intellectuals. They knew there was an easier way to sit on a camping stool, with a plate held in one hand, and a single utensil in the other that did the job of all the utensils. It revolutionised everything - camping, exploring and adventuring!”

Gandalf took his stew from the embers and walked off into the night. The last we saw of him, and our beloved spork.

Roman style spork 3rd cent.jpg

The spork dates back to the early Roman Empire. And who knows, perhaps it was the way that Julius Caesar ate his Chicken Caesar Salad. Cutting the chicken up with the serrated edge, stabbing the lettuce with the prongs, and scooping the dressing up with the spoon... all while unifying an entire empire with his free hand - I can just picture it now.

The divine necessity of the spork today, is revealed best in the outdoors; campsites, hiking trails, mountain tops, kayaks, and picnic blankets. Instead of packing all the kitchen utensils, you can just take a spork!

We think the spork has, and will continue to, revolutionise camping forever.

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